Submissions of tutorials are solicited for 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems. The major OSS2012 theme is Long-term Sustainability but tutorials can stress any innovative practical applications of OSS, as well as methodological issues. Examples from past OSS conferences include The QualiPSo Project FLOSS Vision, Metrics 2007, How to Gather Metrics on FLOSS Projects, Quality Specification, Testing and Certification of Bespoken, Open Source and Commercial Off-The-Shelf Systems, EDOS-Tools Tutorial: EDOS Tools for Linux Distributions Dependencies Management and Quality Assurance, or MUSIC Tutorial.
For tutorials, a separate agreements based on attendance will be set up. There is no additional fund for travel or conference participation.
Important Dates
Tutorials chair
Instructions for Tutorial Proposals
Proposals should clearly evidence the relevance of the proposal for OSS 2012, and the contribution it could convey to the event.
Each submission should contain:
How to Submit
Proposals should be sent by email attachment (PDF format) to: